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December 8



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  • Hi Elson, I am looking for a creator to help me build my site. I have a new subscription with NING. If available please reach me at
  • Hello there - we're looking to migrate to 3.0 and redesign the site, so would love to speak with you about working together; e-mail me if interested/available at Thanks!
  • I am looking to do some updates to my site, and I would like to engage someone for that task. Please contact me at your soonest for a call or zoom session. 571-244-1902
  • I feel like giving a gift, because I care today and every day I am there to you and to all, I am happy knowing you are a good friend to have and for me it is good to be loved. You matter :)
  • Thank you for still being my friend here and for being a great person to have around, I appreciate and welcome you for all you are and so much more. Happy latest holiday, I'll keep you in my thoughts.
  • Happy thanks giving to you my friend. I hope all is well. I am thinking of you. Blessings, Elshara.
  • Hello, what happened to the erewards?  I can't access it?

  • Hello,

    My name is Stu Carroll and I am the social media coordinator for a veteran’s charity foundation.  We would like a redesign of our Ning site and we are looking for a Ning creator to undertake that project.

    We have three major requirements.

    1. Streamline the website. It is currently busy and we would like to simplify the interface. We want to make it easy to view profiled members, highlighted achievements, links, and new blog posts entries.
    2. We need a new landing page. Currently, potential members reach the login and are turned off. We need something that teases what’s inside, protects the identities of current members, and offers an easy way to sign in or sign up.
    3. I need someone to set up Google Analytics so we can track usage. I am unable to complete the setup process and I am stumped as to why.

    We need an estimate in both time and cost.


    Stu Carroll

  • Thanks for being you.
  • Tan I would like to talk to you about some work
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