Watch this video then take part in the related discussion right here on Creators. Let us know if this topic resonates with you and what you've observed or learned from participating in your own community throughout the various phases of its lifecycle.
A little over a year ago, FeverBee published a document that would change the way we approach online communities: The Online Community Lifecycle. The Lifecycle was based upon Iriberri and Leroy's initial work and FeverBee's own research and experience.
Using the Lifecycle as a guide, you can identify exactly what phase your community is in now and anticipate how it will change over time. If you attend this webinar, at the end of one hour you will be more informed about communities than most community professionals you meet. Join us August 29th to find out what the community lifecycle is and how to effectively guide your community through every stage.
Thursday, August 29 at 9am PDT
(find your local time here)
Key Takeaways:
Take part in the related discussion right here on Creators. Let us know if this topic resonates with you and what you've learned from your own community's lifecycle.