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A gallery of insanely awesome Network Creators

Have you found yourself in a great conversation with one of these people? If you've hung out on Creators for any amount of time, chances are you have. We want to congratulate these NCs for providing stellar advice to the rest of us. Each Ning Superstar is awarded with a 3-month Ning Pro subscription and thousands of virtual hugs and pats on the back. Let them know how super they really are!

Read all about Ning Superstars. Submit a nomination to Crystal.

Newest Superstar: George H. Compton IV

George H. Compton IVHe's a tireless and humble Creator who loves to share tips and help other Creators make their networks look and function amazingly. He sees himself as "just a code writer," but the Creators community is thankful for his selflessness and talent. Read our Q&A with George

Rosas Negras

⭐ THE THEMES - A FREELANCE NING DESIGNER ⭐ MY THEMES HAVE BEEN SHARED ON: Theme-Worx-Media, Hippys Themes!, Skemanon and Rainbow Construction I have been bringing my Themes to all Ning sites for 20 years, I am a professional on css! Classic Themes, Themes 2.0 and 3.0.  
for information my contact is ⭐


Ning Themes 3.0⭐  Ning Themes 3.0 network ,We offer custom themes for 3.0 , We create landing page for Ning 3.0..



She developed by popular demand and to fill the gap left by investing and trading forums that had fallen by the wayside. Kos has deep knowledge of community ranging from product gaps and workarounds in Ning to moderation tactics. She's a compendium of FAQs and it's not uncommon to see the Activity Feed flooded with her sage advice. Read our Q&A with Kos.

Thunder X

He's a unique combination of scrappy and helpful. He'd probably give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. He has one of the coolest names on Creators, hands down. We love you, Thunder X!


This guy makes a seriously niche niche work very well. He runs Land Surveyors United, a global community of specialists. He's a master of the magical art of CSS, and we encourage you to dig back into the tips he's published. Some good ones! Read all about JFarrow.

Dave Norris

He drives NASCAR NATION, a site for racing fanatics. Super friendly, chatty, and open to new ideas, he tries out all kinds of new services and shares his experiences. Read our Q&A with Dave Norris!

Diane Lynne

Her detail-oriented style is impressive. And, she's super nice and helpful. Diane runs FreeWriters and Readers, a fan fiction site for Twilight lovers and beyond. Read our Q&A with Diane.



He's got the longest dreadlocks we've ever seen, and he's nice as can be. Long-time Network Creator soaringeagle, who runs, seems to always have a great tip to share, in particular around the subject of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). We had a lot of things we wanted to ask him, including how long he's been growing those dreadlocks. Read the Q&A with soaringeagle.

Lorenzo M. Oliver

Lorenzo M Oliver

If you don't speak Spanish, you may not even know who Lorenzo is. If you do speak Spanish and have ever set foot in the Spanish group here on Creators, you'll no doubt know who he is. Insanely talented, he even runs a site that is designed to help other Network Creators. Super, indeed.

Bernard Lama

Bernard Lama

He runs the Kanchenjunga Social Network that has over 10,000 members, so he must be doing something right! Another thing he does right is provide wonderful tips to other Network Creators, from CSS tweaks to just plain smart ideas for doing things differently.

John Bizley

John Bizley He is a passionate photographer who conceived of the 1940s Social Network as a place to share the photos he takes at wartime reenactments and a community where re-enactors can socialize and keep in touch between events. After the release of 3.0, John began to teach himself to code and has been making a big splash with his generous design tips ever since. Read our Q&A with John.



She runs JenSocial an awesome directory of networks. She has an excellent avatar illustration that we're frankly jealous of. She has published more tips for NCs on Creators than anyone else. If Jen doesn't know the answer, there may be no good answer! Read ourQ&A with Jen.

Marshall Mathers

Marshall Mathers

He ran a network for skateboarders, which is by definition cool. As insightful as he is critical, he consistently offers excellent advice. Since becoming a Superstar, Marshall has retired from running his network and moved on toward college, but you might still see him around on Creators. Smartest 16-year-old to ever run a Ning Network!


TJ's his name. JQuery's his game. He runs jQueryHelp a network that's all about helping other Network Creators. He brings the smiles with his smileys, signatures and special apps. He's as smart as he is nice, and you can read all about his focus on jQuery in our Q&A with TJ.



This nice dude somehow grabbed the choice domain He runs a Ning Network on that domain for anyone who's looking for info about mobile homes. He's provided dozens upon dozens of excellent tips for fellow Network Creators, and we're proud to have him as a member.



SweetPotato has provided Ning with some pretty great ideas on the Creators Network for how to improve our product. He's also really helpful and willing to share his smarts. He's even put a list of his best tips on his profile page, which is pretty suh-weeeeet! Read our Q&A with SweetPotato!

NorCal Social Media

Nor Cal Social Media
Creators' resident big thinker, this fellow has a lot of social-media smarts and writes about high-level topics from a unique marketing perspective. He also offers consulting, both free and for pay. Read our Q&A with a Nor Cal Social Media.

Who's Next?

From time to time, we'll add more Ning Superstars to this page. It's our small way of saying thanks for making a big difference!

Meanwhile, you can check our social media channels