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Superstar George H. Compton IV


George is newer to Ning than a lot of Creators Superstars, but he's made quite an impression in less than two years. Says Kos, "He selflessly jumps in to aid others both in Creators and via email and his codes continually amaze me.  He even tweaks them to fit one's specific website.  I could not agree more that George has earned a Ning star." His tips have helped countless Creators, but George remains humble and patient, helping everyone he can. George may see himself as "just a code writer," but his friendliness and eagerness to help stand out with the Creators Community resulting in an unanimous response to his Superstars nomination. Congrats, George! 

How did you get started with Ning?
A few years ago, I was working on Julia Martin's and my network  (which is now closed).  Julia and I have been friends for years, so we decided to create our own social network. It's was a place for friends and family to come and get away from it all. Hence the name friendly faces. :-) I discovered an ad in the dashboard on friendly faces which led me to Ning Creators. As I was reading some of the discussions put up by others that were asking for help I realized that I could be of assistance to at least some of them. So, I decided to join.

Did you join and participate on Creators right away, or did you warm up to this community a little later?
I participated right away by helping those that I could. I tend to stay out of the complaint discussions. I'm just here to help when and if I can.

Could you tell us a bit about the Crossroads Fellowship Network such as what inspired you work with the Kinsons on a community dedicated to Christ, how you attract new members, and how you see the community evolving?
Well, Cross Roads Fellowship Is A Christian Outreach of J & L Ministries.
It first started when Jim came to me for help with his network after he had read one of my discussions here on Creators. After I completed my task we chatted for a couple hours we have a lot in common and a lot of the same beliefs. I became a full-time administrator because I believe that's where I'm supposed to be right now. That's also why I help anyone that I can on Ning creators for free. :-)

You’re always so helpful on Creators. Who helps you on your site? Do you have admins, or do you tackle it all yourself?
On Crossroads Fellowship Ning 3.0 Jim Kinson the owner runs his site and very well. :-) I just do all the little things like all the code writing, maintenance, and implementing of any apps myself but I am using two tips from other creators. SweetPotato's "Insert Videos and Music Players on Profile Pages" and AnGella's  "Add CSS to Member Profiles." 

Who have been some of the most helpful NCs to you?
Well I don't tend to ask for help a lot. I like working things out on my own especially anything that's a challenge, but if you ask me who's the most helpful NC on creators I think I would lean towards Kos. She's around quite often and is always willing to help. If she can't fix a problem she can usually lead them in the right direction. ;-)

What would you like to learn if you had more time?
I'm still working on my Java skills more time would be helpful. LOL :-)

What are some of your favorite things to do outside of cultivating a community?
I for the most part like to spend my spare time outside hiking, camping, fishing and even flying a kite at the ocean. So peaceful.

What could Ning build to make your life easier?
What I would really love his text boxes back on profiles for members. I know that it won't help me much but the members would really appreciate it I'm quite sure.

What’s the most rewarding thing about running a Ning community?
For me it's just being able to help when and if I can.

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