No matter what was the purpose you created it for - only the right way of organizing communication and interactions will help you reach your target goals.
WHAT DOES IT MEAN? You`ve created your social space - and that`s when you should think about attracting new followers and build relationship with them. Actively managing your community to cultivate and nurture existing relationships will improve your chances of converting your followers into stable users (or customers, if your network is a business one) and improving your KPIs.
HOW TO CHOOSE EFFECTIVE STRATEGY? You must think about your main GOAL at the very beginning of your project. Define it well for yourself! Unless you don't care about success at all.
WHAT ABOUT CUSTOMER CARE? Always listen to your followers! Find people who will help you manage your social network! Don`t leave conversations and discussions without your attention.
USE SOCIAL MEDIA LISTENING TOOLS! Monitor the media-filed of your network - look how often people publish links to its materials, what they think about it. Controlling situation will help you strongly understand what is necessary to change.