Then you probably need to build your portfolio. But remember: nowadays, fat card-boards with photos that are always falling out are not your solution! Time to think about online portfolio that is much more comfortable to use and easy to manage. Don't forget that it should look not less than fantastic to differ from other portfolios.
How to do such kind portfolio with NING? Create a website for your portfolio using our new updated templates. With us, you can make a portfolio website that will include:
- "About me" page. Write here all necessary info about you and your achievements - but try to fill this section with really interesting and useful facts.
- Best work examples. Choose works (or photos) that reflect clearly your achievements and show them in the best way.
- Contacts. Don`t forget about social media profiles - a lot of people are interested in them in order to know more about you.
- Your own blog! Here, you can tell people more information, whatever pops up to your mind.