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FREE ONLINE COURSES: web development

Once you want to create your personal website, you may think of something more than a usual drag-and-drop website builder but at the same time, you may want to avoid asking professional web developers as their service is quite expensive. That`s when you start looking for information about web development and website building. This information can help you implement your ideas and control the whole website building process. And yes, you can join these online courses for free. :-)


MIT OpenCourse Ware. If you have little programming experience, it's for you. It focuses on the Python programming language and gives students basic knowledge of algorithms, program writing, debugging program, etc.

Ruby on Rails: Introduction. This course on aims to teach adepts build web applications using the Ruby on Rails framework which facilitates quick prototyping. By the end of this course, participants certainly should be comfortable building a meaningful web application.

Web Page Development ( A great start for those who want to know more about main languages and programs that are necessary for building websites. 3-4 hours - and you know basic assessments.

Intro to HTML and CSS (Udacity). Your learning process will bring you great pleasure with instructional videos, interactive quizzes, independent exercises and expert insights about HTML and CSS syntax. Start here:

LinkedLearning. You can pick up a free class on HTML, Angular, PHP, Node, React, ASP and many more topics. Hurry up: because only now you can try them for free:

Complete Free Web Development Course. Free video course that will help you become a professional web developer. Whether you are a beginner or want to learn some advanced concepts, this course has you covered.

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