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ICO: all you need to know

ICO, or Initial Coin Offering, is a modern digital trend that can help you earn a lot of money. The ICO stands for offering new cryptocurrency or crypto-token to investors in exchange for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

Since 2013, ICOs are often used to fund the development of new cryptocurrencies. The pre-created token can be easily sold and traded on all cryptocurrency exchanges if there is demand for them. So here it is, a list of articles about everything you should know about ICO. Read more and be in touch with modern monetization tendencies!

1) Exclusive and controversy: ICO is coming to the market.

2) How to go through the process of orchestrating the ICO. Read more about it here:

3) Stats and analytics always help to understand what happens. So we found them for you:

4) ICO is about investments, monetization schemes, and awaited profits. There are 7 ideas for your ICO investments:

5) October 2018, the year is passing by. 2019 will come in a matter of weeks; it’s time to learn more about new crypto trends:

6) Great projects also start with successful references. In this article, you will find a lot of them:

7) ICO marketing: here`s how you will create a successful ICO strategy:

8) It looks like ICO and email marketing are not related? Read in this article how email strategies can help promote an ICO:

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