Nutritional Supplements. Sport and fitness, training programs and healthy lifestyle have opened the way for raising popularity of nutritional supplements. That`s why this niche has a great potential for money investments.
Survival. This specific niche is not yet saturated. People will ALWAYS crave for feeling of safety and protection, and there is a great opportunity for you to help them and satisfy their needs.
Clothing. No wonder, it stays popular for many years. Your main task in this case is to choose the right growing strategy that will help you thrive in competitive environment.
Pets. According to statistics, USA citizens own 80 (!) million of cats and 100 million of dogs. And that's ONLY in the US! Analyze this prospective field and find your place in it. Find out how to make happy furly pets and their owners :-)
Traveling. Traveling is yet another obvious opportunity to make money online. However, the main risk is that this niche is HIGHLY competitive. You should think a lot about new ways to win this business fight.
Fandom products. This niche will never dry up. Sports, music, films, book, and of course HARRY POTTER - choose anything you want and be ready to open the doors for crowds of crazy fans.:-)
Baby products. People want to help their children live in peace and prosperity which is of course no surprise. Thus, people will always look for high-quality products for kids and useful information about raising them up.