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Moorhead, MN


October 6

What's your role? Network Creator (NC) or Admin?

Carrie once thought, at the tender age of 6, that her life was actually just a dream and wondered when she would wake up to reality. From then on she was always writing, drawing .... and creating a world of her own. Fast forward and she is no longer that little girl but she is still busy capturing bits and pieces of inspiration and always asking lots of questions. And of course, the more answers she finds the more questions she has. For her art-making is about the process of being in the world she creates... even if only for a fleeting moment. Although Carrie has no formal training, through years of experience, being naturally curious and the powerful tool called the internet, she has been able to learn from her own background and the artists that she is most inspired by. She calls it the school of seek and you will find. Through her journey on the information super-highway she has developed her own style, even if it is spread across many different mediums. She enjoys exploring and experimenting in photography and digital art all the way over to paints, pastels and old ephemera, she loves it all. To her art is more than just a word... it is a world.


"MRS" release witness

Always around to help :-)

CSS maniac

"Tips and Tricks" guru

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