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Kittery Point, ME

What's your role? Network Creator (NC) or Admin?

My work focuses on economic well-being, in particular, in working the possibilities that can come to exist from the interplay among the labor market, work, learning, community-economy building, and social enterprise. My endeavor is to create and evolve designs and enterprises that improve the performance of people and institutions in the economy in order to promote the economic well-being of individuals, households, families, and communities. The Sustainable Employability Ning Network is engaged in an exploration of the evolving nature of employability including its implications for managing work lives and careers; the design of education, training, and personally-controlled learning; and, as a foundation for a new compact between employers and employees. I have founded and lead social enterprises that have conceptualized, prototyped, piloted and replicated innovative designs for learning, working, lubricating labor markets, and creating genuine opportunities for economic advancement for people who are out-of-bounds for a place in the mainstream economy and society, in urban and rural settings, in the United States and the UK. In the course of this work, I have experienced success and failure, exhilaration and despair, but never boredom and, often enough, the great and small pleasures that come from contributing to collaborative, purpose-driven enterprise. I am currently interested in rethinking the foundations for economic well-being in the contemporary economy; designing and testing new approaches (and reprising old ones) to what I refer to as global community capitalism; cultivating the understanding and practice of sustainable employability; and, launching social enterprises driven by this mission and equipped to go to large scale with business models and ownership structures that will sustain them over the long term.


"MRS" release witness

Always around to help :-)

CSS maniac

"Tips and Tricks" guru

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