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December 12

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After I left school I joined the South African Air Force, was trained as a pilot, and served as weekend pilot over a period of eleven years. In that time I served as a fighter pilot and transport pilot on three different Air Force squadrons. I did a science degree, graduating with Chemistry and Mathematics as major subjects, and thereafter obtained a post-graduate degree in Chemistry. I did scientific research at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the Iscor research laboratory for ten years. During my tenure at Iscor I was in due course employed as management consultant on senior management level and was inter alia engaged in managing work study projects and training middle management staff in management skills. During that time I obtained a law degree and soon thereafter went into law practice. I have worked, ever since, as a lawyer, both in law practice, and as legal advisor. I am presently still retained as legal adviser of a corporation and employed, from time to time, as ad hoc legal adviser by other parties. I have been involved in a variety of business ventures and during the 80s developed and built two prototypes of a motor vehicle, the Range Rider. The vehicles passed their road tests with flying colours, sailed through the roadworthy tests, were found suitable to be comprehensively insured by a leading insurance company and were leased with a facility obtained from a leading bank. However, I foresaw the upheaval to come in a new South Africa and decided to close down the project. That proved to be the second wisest decision that I have ever made – the wisest decision being the decision to marry my first wife, Susan, to whom I am still married as I pen these words. For some time I conducted mathematics workshops at the Pretoria University and lectured at technical colleges in Mathematics, Commercial Law, Handelsreg, and Company Law. During 1992 I conceptualised an idea that I in due course named, The Quest for Truth Foundation (“Die Soeke na Waarheid Stigting”) and over the years embarked on several projects aimed at getting to the bottom of issues that I regarded as important to investigate. Those issues inter alia included the Role of Christianity in Apartheid, the Palestinian question, and the Land issue in South Africa. But my first quest for the truth was a search for the truth in the Bible; a quest that lasted more than 15 years, is still ongoing and regarding which I wrote a book titled, “What every Christian should know about the Bible”. The book is a non-spiritual, secular dissertation and I am in the process of choosing a publisher for the book. In early 2000 I started writing as a freelance journalist for an aviation magazine and have since had more than 60 items published in various publications

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  • On behalf of my Group, "Angels In The Midst."


    His Day of Victory

    Jesus- His shed blood means...
    We can live each day in His forgiveness.
    His resurrection means...
    We can walk constantly in newness of life.
    His presence means...
    We can know His victory in each situation.
    His love means...
    We will never face anything alone!
    His day of victory makes all our days complete!

    (Praying His Very Best is Yours this Easter Season)
  • Stopping by to bring you a smile:-)
  • wreath2.gif
    Stopping by to wish EVERYONE a blessed, Merry Christmas.
    Savor each moment with your family.
    The memories YOU make for yourself and others are priceless.
    Love to all!
  • 4b290abe.gif
  • Have a great weekend and a safe 4th of July!
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  • HapValGold.gif
    Always remember to live your life
    in a way that's right for you.
    Everything you do should make you happy
    and those who may at first disagree will hopefully,
    in time, be happy for you, too.
    Then you will come to see...
    when you follow your "own" heart,
    the choices you make will always be the right ones.
  • "Don't take for granted
    the things closest to your heart."
  • 9.gif
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