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Palo Alto, CA


June 10

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  • Hello Diego,

    I was wondering if you could tell me how to get a list of the ning sites I am member of ?
    That feature, along with so many other good ones we used to have, seems to have disappeared.

  • Hi Diego - I'm sure you get swamped with these type of ?s all the time but I am an educator - run a lot of school nings and was wondering if there is a timeline on Wiki integration yet.

    PS - I'm sure it has been a rough transition from free to pay but thank you for all your hard work and the groovy new features that keep rolling in!
  • Hi Diego, I recall that some of the Ning team was at Buenos Aires. I will be here for a few weeks and would love to know if there are any activities or if I can swing by to say hello to the Ning team.

    The product roadmap looks very promising! Hope to see them in function soon.

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