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Whitney, TX


April 29

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    Just wanted to wish you a happy b day enjoy it; add me as a friend and don't forget to join the Seesmic Desktop if you have activated the extension. Click US Flag to access Grow Folk!

  • 3192989?profile=original3193044?profile=original3193082?profile=original
  • Red Ribbon
  • 3193006?profile=original
  • Gerry, were you asking about the CSV member backup process?

    Goto the manage members page, and at the bottom of the page you can export all members into a csv file. Just follow the prompts and it will create a membership csv file and prompt you to click a link to save it to your desktop. Do that and you have it.

    As far as reading it, Open Office WILL read your csv file in their Spreadsheet program. You can download open office at if you don't already have it.

    Hope this helps.
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