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June 3

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I began this network because I wanted to create a new more meaningful space for mothers to communicate about the things that matter to them most and help us share the wealth of unexpressed information we absorb every day. the name of this site, Dasein, is a German word taken from Martin Heidegger’s magnum opus Being and Time. Heidegger used the concept of Dasein to uncover the primal nature of “being” (sein) engaged in the world. the hope is that each of us — each “hermana dasein” who joins the Dasein network — will commit to: remembering the funny, the frustrating, the enlightening — to finding a little something from that average everydayness. and that together we will enrich many of our meandering ideas, clarify what it is that makes life as a parent so enlightening, and get to know each other a little better along the way.

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