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Clearwater, FL
June 4
What's your role? Network Creator (NC) or Admin?
I am a 52 year old self taught netpreneur, that has taken guidance from those that were school taught and applied my 30 plus years as a direct in home salesperson and applied it to my online endeavrs.I have created several networks on Ning, Ulearn2Earn and 12SecondCommute are just a couple. They are small but we have great members and look forward to more ninging in the future.
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Hi Jim,
Promote your NING Network on the new NING eRadio broadcast.
eRadio Broadcast Network is launching "NING Radio" as a daily/weekly radio talk show on the Internet.
NING Creators are invited to participate as Co-Hosts/Guests to engage in live, interactive discussions about their Ning Networks, Products, Services, Events, Activities, Policies, Strategies, Job Opportunities etc.
Members of all NING Networks are invited to tune in as listeners. Listeners can also join the discussions by calling in via telephone or Skype with questions and comments.
The opportunity is FREE to all NING Creators.
For more information, tune into our Introduction To NING Radio broadcast on Wed 11th April 2012 at 3.00 pm EST, click on the button below for details.
Alternatively, please go to
hello my name is mr phira chuon and im looking for members to help support my cuase on mental awarness please join or make a small donation for as little as $10.00 so we can continue our activist fighting for mental illness here is the link i hope you can join and get some friends to join as well many blessings founder mr phira chuon