July 27
Current status of the Ning Platform is always available on the Ning Status Blog.
July 27
What's your role? Network Creator (NC) or Admin?
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Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for the friendship request and it feels good to know there is an NC so close to where I am. I am in Shanghai. Honestly, it hasn't been easy for me to get my networks to where they are now. Ning as a whole doesn't favor NCs based in China. Here are a few examples: We can't access facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Ustream, etc. Features many NCs are relying on to grow their networks. Imagine if we NCs in China had the ability to intergrate platforms like qq, weibo, youku, into our networks. No network out there would compete with us. We in China have the population. Many Ning policies still focus more on where they have their biggest market: The US and Europe. So you are right, it is an uphill task to get a Ning network here in China to succeed.
What are your networks?
Mine is at
Feel free to stop by for a chat and if you happen come over to Shanghai for a weekend how about a drink? That would be the first fellow NC to meet in person.