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Thrissur, Kerala


March 3

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  • Thanks For Your Friendship
  • l am not a Ning worker, l just geet people here. And sometimes the people who works here, leaves out things and not explain things good enough

    l am new to ning and l am here on Ning Creators to learn things.
    This is my site link, Pop in and just look.
  • l did help you didn't l? if you have trouble, click on my site name and you will see where l put my ads.

    l went to the dashbroad and then the feature layout, add the text box under the sign-in, then save that. Then l copy the code google gave me and paste it in that text box.

    OH! l also add the search box in the same text box with the adsense. This search box may increase the amount you can make.
  • This link goes to google adsense
    Sign up and fill in everything. They will get back to you at the next a couple of days. Or they will give you the code then.

    Put a text box under the sign-in box, on the right side and copy and paste the code,save. This will show up on all your pages.

    l think the tall skyscapers or the bigger ones will give you the best prices.
  • Hello

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