September 12
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September 12
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make them all xml
your using the gz extention without gz compression
that sounds like a dns issue however im able to access it so the dns issues corected now ..or should be
im not surw what u mean by havent published u would have had to set the dns to whatever hosting account its on
u should also verify the domaun in webmaster tools
when crawling the website to make the sitemap what sitemap generator are u using ..if inspyder you can easily make custom exclusion ruleds to block out the password reset pages
u had 2 spaces also
and move it to line 1 before user-agent:*
next u have gz sitemaps in an xml index this maybe fine but
the gz files do not open
but renaming them to xml i was able to open 1 and all i see in it is mobile password reset liks that should be excluded anyways
u have 3 or 4 issues that are causing this
ok 2 issues im finding
1 in robots.txt captitilaize sitemaps
make it this
whats the sitemap issue your having