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Brooklyn, NY
March 10
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MBL Entertainment is the most highly anticipate Independent Record Label coming out of Brooklyn New York in 2010. MBL Entertainment's C.E.O J.T. Allred has a real talent for finding the hottest undiscovered talent. J.T. is the former Director of A&R for the worlds famous MCS Records aka Manhattan Center Studios home of The Hammerstein Ballroom. J.T. has work closely with the legendary Gold & Platinum status producers Easy Mo Bee, Witchdoctor and L.G. and many, many more. To date, MBL Entertainment is working with Banga Boiz Muzik Group the master mind behind pleasure P's "SAY YES". MBL Entertainment has signed several artist ranging from Hip Hop to R&B. MBL Entertainment Sister company is "Black Mountain Pictures" J.T. has discovered actor's such as Jas Anderson "Brooklyn's Finest" and Jerry La Mothe Director/ actor of "Amor Infinity and Black out. In 2010 MBL Entertainment will be a major force to be reckon with. This network is a platform for all music industry professionals, concert promoter's and independent distributor's .