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Hailsham, East Sussex
August 31
What's your role? Network Creator (NC) or Admin?
i joined Ning about a year ago (2008), but have done very little with it. I like the concept of developing a social network but trying to find something unique and of interest to others has been my biggest difficulty. I have toyed with a few ideas, and even started a Ning network, but I have found it hard to promote them or generate enough interest to make them viable. I have had a neurological illness since December 2005 which has severely limited what I am able to do. For most of this time I have not had a diagnosis so I have spent my time going online to try and find out what I might have wrong with me. During this time I have noticed I am not alone. There are many people in a similar situation to me. Most lurking in forums that have been set up to support people with things like MS, Parkinson's Disease, Dystonia etc. Many of these people feel alone and abandoned by the medical system. This seems to me to be a great opportunity to provide a forum where such people can interact. A place where they can talk to others about their health problems and gain advice and support to help to sustain them through the stage of medical limbo. I have joined the Creators network to gain ideas from others about what works on Ning and what doesn't. I am also looking to learn more about the various tools that Ning provides. I am hoping also to make connections with other Ning creators. What better place can there be to learn about building a social network than in a social network.