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Atlanta, GA
November 9
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A documentary concerning the history of black-moviegoing and film production/reception in the Southeast during 1935-1975. Creating a collective image of the southeast's black movie-going experience as told through the people who lived it. This documentary will be a collage of interviews spanning from Morgan Freedman and Dallas Austin to the grass roots level of the southern community. This is not just a communal outlet for expression, nostalgia, and preservation as told by the interviewees, but also a well researched and documented presentation of Atlanta's film history. By mixing archival footage, and accurate research gathered in collaboration with Atlanta's Georgia State University, Emory University, Morehouse College and many historic libraries, the filmmakers' chief goal will be to construct a story on the history of race and representation in the southeast, particularly in Atlanta. Atlanta's historic theaters, films, and testimonies will paint that picture.