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Edmonton, Alberta
October 26
What's your role? Network Creator (NC) or Admin?
A hooping community with online hooping classes, galleries with hooping videos and photos. Forums, events, groups, journals and a chatroom.
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G'day Safire, I have been checking out pages all night for inspiration and I have just spent 50mins on your sites! I'm just writing this message to say that you are my new idol! Congratulations on building such successful and interactive platforms.... absolutely love the video's. Your a rockstar
Hello, Safire
I just finished reading at and noticed you gave your network rules in Vertical bullet lists. I can do horizontal bullet lists but would like to learn from you how you managed to produced vertical columns in a Creators Network forum posting of three columns and fill them with rules of your place? I was pleased that behaved themselves in appearance by remaining within the confines of the parameters for each column. Would you please teach me how to do that?
Would you consider being a member of worldlibreto, Looking for great users. check us out at the who's who for businesses.
It's free and you can make your mark here!