Current status of the Ning Platform is always available on the Ning Status Blog.





Berkeley, CA


April 15

What's your role? Network Creator (NC) or Admin?

I used to manage a summer camp that focused on leadership and communication. I taught mindfulness-based stress reduction across U.S. and Europe for many years. I have lived communally. Now I live in Berkeley with chickens, cat, dog, wife and 2 kids. I've built a ning network to serve as a timeswap bank and more for a K-8 school community. Presently we're using a googlesite as our tool for wiki, niche coordination, bulletin board type info sharing and more, but I'm trying to see if Ning could be part of our solution, esp. for the timeswap bank.


"MRS" release witness

Always around to help :-)

CSS maniac

"Tips and Tricks" guru

Meanwhile, you can check our social media channels