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October 25
What's your role? Network Creator (NC) or Admin?
Born and raised in NYC, now living in NC, married for 14 years to my best friend, we have 3 wonderful children ages, 22, 13, 1and 8. I have self-published my first book, now working on my second book while trying to complete a script for a new television series. I am also a standup comedienne, hairstylist, motivational speaker (especially for the teens) . I've created 3 ning sites (THE BUTTERFLY WOMANS CLUB, and THE SCORPIO WOMANS CLUB) all to benefit women and reconnect with family. I also have a blog talk radio show called YVE'S APPLE, an entertainment company called SPARKLE ENTERTAINMENT 1 which alllows me to host events and trade shows, keeping the business owners up front and constantly in the public eye, all the while catering to the community.
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Hello Yve thank you for wanting to be my friend. I enjoy computer graphics and this is one of my pictures I did of my bird and me.