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December 10

What's your role? Network Creator (NC) or Admin?

Cultural Entertainment from the Caribbean, Africa, United States, Canada & London England. We have been documenting from 1985 to present, and produced a TV program CultureShare which aired in NY/Florida/London,,England & Grenada. We have episodes from 1990 to 1998. Our Archive is very large, and it can take an individual more than 6 years to view. About Me: How I got into video. I started taping my children with a camcorder,when we lived on a U.S.ARMY MILITARY BASE. I became hooked, and left my Recruiting duties in 1988 after 14 years, and started the mission of Documenting the culture. I attended the CENTER FOR MEDIA ARTS IN NYC. 1998 was the last airing of CultureShare. I never worked for any TV station during the years of producing cultureshare. In 1998 I moved on to Broadcast TV INDUSTRY. I was hired by NBC TV Network from 1998 to 2009. It was the greatest opportunity for me. I had the opportunity to work as a news editor,working with satellites, playback for live news, taking feeds of shows like Ellen, MEET THE PRESS,DATELINE,CONAN SHOW,SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, and ingesting into servers for air. Those were serious responsibilities. I also had the opportunity to work as part of a team for for processing commercials for the OLYMPICS & SUPERBOWL,handling quality control,make sure that every commercial meets all broadcast standards. I had the opportunity to work in the NBC North East HUB/MASTER CONTROL CENTER. Worked closely with Broadcast operations personnel. I am a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BROADCAST EMPLOYEES & TECHNICIANS(NABET) LOCAL 11. Those years spent at NBC 1998 to 2009 was an opportunity to learn about the industry, and the skills I left there with is my passport for my own ventures in the future. Cultureshare was my foundation for the discipline I acquired while at NBC. According to NBC HR,due to the economy that is the reason for getting layed off. My work ethics at NBC was at the top. I was only out sick once from 1998 to 2009. MY ATTENDANCE AT NBC was 100%. I was a 100% team player,

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  • Great to have you aboard NING Creators!
    Please know that I am not a ning employee.
    However, if I can answer a question or
    direct you to the place to find that answer just ask.
    Enjoy your journey:-)
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