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Dallas, TX


April 21

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As A Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots

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  • No problem - and you!
  • Wow, Lori, you must have reached overload. I saw your name pop up in the thread about the spam filter and since I have been enjoying your site as a new member I popped right on in to see what my new friend posted. I was surprised to see it removed. I hope you removed it yourself and not Ning.

    I have posted quite a bit on your network now and so far so good. I have been nervous about posting links, but I have done a few and didn't get blocked. There is a lot of activity in the chat tool on the home page. I don't think that I have seen less than 60 people on even when I have logged in at 6:30 am Central! The threads seem surprisingly quiet though for so many being on. Maybe I just haven't yet found where everyone hangs out forum-wise yet. I have joined the Arkansas Moms and Mommy Teachers groups. I have posted a good bit, of a monologue it would seem - lol, in the Writer's Drop Box.
  • I'm a member of the Bel Air, Md. Tea Party Patriots. I've been involved in the movement from the beginning. I was pleased when your org started. I love the concept and recognize the leadership that women have added to our movement. Thank you for your Patriotic work and God Bless "Moms" !! Pray like only God can save our country, and work like only you can. This will save America.

  • Hi Lori, I was at Michelle Bachmanns "House Call" ,

    11-5-09 rally in DC. I thought you'd like one of the pictures that I took.
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