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September 22

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Visit Traveling within the World Departments for Ask For IT & Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries can be contacted on these services aol/aim = TravelerinBDFSM = Hall of Steel a Dept of Ask For IT Isabell Demona = Beyond Special Dept of Ask For IT hotmail = LadyIsabellDemona = Trinkets & Beads Dept of Ask For IT gmail = Travelingraggyman = Armor Division a Dept of Ask For IT LadyIsabellDemona = Leather & Link a Dept of Ask For IT live = TravelerinBDFSM = Cut Of Style a Dept of Ask For IT yahoo = TravlerinBDFSM = Castle Life a Dept of Ask For IT ICQ = 471875453= Artist and Things, records and sorting of things on site Skype = Travelingraggyman = General Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of Ask For IT twitter = TravelerinBDFSM = General Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of Ask For IT = TravelerinBDFSM = General Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of Ask For IT hotmail = TravlerinBDFSM = Rev Allen Drago ~ Traveler common address & contact And now new to this way of finding others. I sit in the crypt where I sleep and type this to others. Finding the old ways in those that are now here is quite interesting. But the one who lessened me in them is long forgotten by most. And yet many try to reconstruct the ways I follow. I remember hunting in the dark with the saber cat clans. The first grand buildings of man. Like a grey fog the old items forgotten or lost to us are here in my mind. I may not be fast as one thinks. But when needed I can. Slowly I enter into this way of contacting others. Waiting to see what is to become of the once noble and honorable people. I look and find more and more that talk and then run when find the serious in my ways. We shall see I remember a time of fields and warmth when darkness was about hunting with the saber-cat. I know of only one mother and she has long ago been forgotten by most. Only this modern culture is starting to remember her and try to emulate what was. Few are found through out the ages that have been remembered. Most glow for a while then fade. Only to re-shine later in story or lore. In the days of grand gods and goddesses we were found out by man. And slowly the fear grew. Through out the world I have traveled I have found other similar like me. Some carry the shape of a fox, others can only come out at night. Some carry a version of what is considered. And yet we all do the same. Mortals we are as well but only because of the hardness to kill us, in some instances. In the 1400's there was one, who was known well. And in some respects is still. Many modern story tellers have chosen to once again choose to talk and tell about us. But only the common and most told about will be know because of them. There are others and they wait outside of the fringe of the veil many hide in so well.

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