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New: RSS modules for Ning 3

Hi All,

This afternoon we released a new option under Site & Pages that will let you display external RSS feeds on your Ning 3.0 site.

To try it out, head over to Site & Pages in your network and click 'Add Content'. You'll see a new RSS option there. Once you've input the url for the feed, you can choose other options for how you'd like the feed to display, including the option to display excerpts or each entire post.

Please give it a try and let us know what you think.

What about the Design Studio?

I'm glad you asked! We're continuing work on the Design Studio update, adding in some new options based on the feedback we've gotten from the beta testers. At this point we expect to release the update to everyone at some point next week.

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  • So what about RSS feeds from Ning to other websites.  Have tried using the RSS feed for Ning photos and what results are just links, not actual photos or data

  • This question was asked before, but never received an answer. Is the ability for members to add their own RSS feed to their profile in the works? Since our site has only bloggers as members, every member will have an RSS feed, so it's pretty critical for us.

    • Hi Joey.  Simply put, if they are given their own tab in a blog area, they'll have their own RSS feed.  The problem is placing everyone's individual feed on their own "my page".  You can place a RSS feed showing them all on the member pages but there's no generic way to place and match individual with individual pages.  oops that's a little redundant but you get the idea.

      Ning is working on some sort of text (?) box for member pages.  idk if it's exactly a text box or what it will allow but with any luck, your members will be able to use a 3rd party RSS feed embed like SurfingWaves in that box.

      There's probably a way to do it using puling their member ID with jquery or javascript but you'd have to consult with the developers at Creators for hire.

      • Our members have their own personal blogs and don't use the feature provided by Ning. Therefore, we would need a feature, like in 2.0, that would allow members to enter in their own RSS Feed (ie. feedburner). 3232372?profile=original

        We have this same option on the page level, which is great because we can post our site's blog on hour homepage, but we would also need it on the profile level for members to use.

        • I agree; that would be a nice feature.  I guess we'll have to wait and see what the "box" is that Ning will come up with for member pages in 3.0.  Hopefully an RSS feed will be an option.  Hope so!

  • I likey!  

  • I am keeping up with the beta area for our ning site.  Its good to see nong 3.0 making progress.  We understood the larger ning sites are not able to be transitioned to ning 3.0.  Our ning group has over 13,000 members, running ning 2.0. We have had all kinds of problems with ning 3.0 running in the back ground on the network.

    Today we have found that all of the info in our near 200 groups text boxes is gone.  No one can figure out why.  I decided to catch up on ning 3.0 updates.  I would like to know if the release of ning 3.0 RSS possibly affected our text boxes, which are also in the same area of the current ning 2.0 "edit group" settings? 

    Is there any way to recover the lost data, in our text boxes, for the 180 groups we have one ?  Thank you.


  • I am so happy. Thank you. Warmly, Susan

  • Hello. Is Ning 3.0 for everybody? site is ... do I have ning 3.0?

    • This reply was deleted.
      • Also can you direct em to a site that have a good example of ning 3.0 functions? Thanks

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