Dear Santa,
I know I haven't been the nicest person this year, but you know I'm trying, and I've not deserved the coal for sure. You know everything anyway and there is no need to convince you :-)
This year I won't be asking for myself, I guess I have pretty much everything I need, could you please be so kind and help us release Member Ranking System on Christmas for our lovely creators, I'm sure they deserved it.
Please, please, please...
Sincerely yours,
Ho-Ho-Ho Kyryl,
You are right you could have behaved better this year and barely escaped being on the Naughty list. However, you are right network creators don't deserve a coal this year, I still think that it's also a valuable source of energy but for some reason, naughty people think that I don't like them and that's why they are receiving a coal but anyway.
*magic sound*
Member Ranking System is released! I have decided to place it on the Members Management page, but I think Ning Team will be able to change its location if necessary. There, creators can choose how much points network member would receive for each activity and for the time they have been on the network. Based on earned points some achievements could be provided to the member, but I have decided to let network creators decide how much points should be earned and what would be the icon of the achievement. Gosh, I thought I would never finish drawing those icons, have had to take some courses for this purpose, it's much easier to paint wooden horses you know, but it worth all the efforts.
Also, I've made it possible to place Achievements module on the profile page of the member, so everybody could see how cool some members are, and of course which achievements still could be earned. In addition, the Leaderboards module has become available, and I guess you already know what would be shown there, don't you :-)
And of course, I envisaged some members could impress you that much, so you decide to reward them with something unique that's why in the settings of MRS you can give personal achievements to members.
I have still left some work for your team to finish, so don't be lazy and keep working.
Merry Christmas, to all network creators.
Santa Claus
The North Pole
Can we get a set up like this on the profile page?
Hi Dan,
I guess something like this could be done with a bunch of custom code, but I'm not sure about music player as it's created with js. But average look could be copied.
Best regards,
Ning Team.
Right not the player.
Yes, it will :-)
Hi there!
We are gald to know that this newlly released feature would find its place on your network :-)
Best regards,
Ning Team.
Hello, Are there any thoughts of linking the member ranking to the PayWall?
In future can we have option to sort the leader board by our achievement name? I want to post all members who have Level 1 achievement on one page and Level 2 achievement separate on another. ( I like personal feature better than points earned)
And is there a code to remove the achievement date?
Thank you.
Hi there!
Thanks for your comments and ideas, under linking MR to the PayWall, you have meant obtaining of the access to the paid content if the achievement has been earned?
And here is the code to remove the dates under achievements, which should go to the Custom CSS section:
.mrs-achievementDate {display:none;}
I haven't seen the option you are talking about in our plans so the suggestion to add it has been created in the system :-) Personally I think it's a great idea hope that management would be able to include it in our plans.
Best wishes,
Ning Team.
I meant paid members can participate in these achievement points. This should make people say hey why am i not getting special attention and having fun and earning? And then we be like, cause you not VIP status Donate to my pay wall. (insert evil laugh). And then we take over the world!!!
Thanks for the code to achievement date.
I really hope we get a way to seperate or sort the acheivements because some achievements are better than the others. For all of that I think I could just search through the members page to see who has what. (ok that was a little extreme, but I want that feature.)