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July 28
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Hi Fredrick,
I just wanted to let you know I have added new features to AppMyNetwork. The app up until this point looks like a clone of the Facebook iPhone application. Knowing that the network is your own and branded to match your company it only makes sense that your iPhone app should too. So today I added features to let you change text and background colors, and even add new icons for the desktop that appears when you first open the app.
The new version of the iPhone app that supports this has already been submitted to Apple on your behalf so there is nothing for you to do there.
All you need to do is log on to AppMyNetwork (, click the Mobile App Settings tab, and get started.
As always, let me know if you have any questions or comments.
Founder, AppMyNetwork
e - charles@appmynetwork
c - 412.417.9946
Can you email me a username/password that I can send to Apple so that they can approve your app? They won't be using it to post anything they just want to test the functionality (login) of the application. You can email me at
Hi Fredrick,
Thanks for signing up on The app submission process usually takes about 7 - 10 days. I'll be submitting your app today, so if Apple is moving along it should be in the app store in about a week or so. And to answer your other question I do have plans to build an Android version. I have actually started working on it already. I hope to have it out in a few months.