Currently we are thoroughly watching over the situation in Ukraine and trying to support the brave and unstoppable spirit of Ukrainian nation in fight against Russian invasion by donating to the official resources provided by the Government. NING is standing with Ukraine in this fight for freedom and independence and if you want to show your support you can donate here.
Слава Україні! Героям Слава!

Current status of the Ning Platform is always available on the Ning Status Blog.





San Jose, CA


September 26

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  • Stopping by to bring you a smile:-)
  • 3197712?profile=original
  • shamline2.gif
  • HapValGold.gif
    Always remember to live your life
    in a way that's right for you.
    Everything you do should make you happy
    and those who may at first disagree will hopefully,
    in time, be happy for you, too.
    Then you will come to see...
    when you follow your "own" heart,
    the choices you make will always be the right ones.
  • Help 



  • Hey, if you have any suggestions for me on my website please reply to my discussion

    "My website needs help, help!!"


    Please, I'm asking you because I figured you might have some ideas for me.


    An di hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!


    Thanks and keep up the good work!!

  • NC for Hire
    Happy Holidays! I enjoyed your Ning Talk!
  • Hi Garnor,
    My messages are all ignored. I can't open my site now because NING deadline ends. My Cafepress Store are all useless eventhough my store has sales. I thinkin' of MINI Plan because i can't afford for PLUS or for PRO. I'm using all my effort in order to survive but my network site were shutdown for NO reasons. Living in the Philippines Compared to US dollars is hurting! all of your money here if converted to PISO will be multiplied & it's a BIG heavy load for Filipinos. I even tried anything like Wegohealth sponsorship but nothing happens! My site is not only for me, but to everyone in this world. The acquisition reflects an unprecedented opportunity to scale our impact by exchanging ideas in developing communities for the hope of change around the world. Arkitext Centre is the network that connects you to the global issues that affect us all. We’re actively engaged and connected in shaping a more inclusive, peaceful and sustainable world. And much morethan that,

    Global awareness and understanding across cultures is key to the future of the planet.

    For more detailed info & if you have time, you can visit us HERE. I hope you undertand why we build this network. Jeremiah 29:11: Have I done any good?.

    Arkitext Centre
  • Thank you for your suggestion Garnor.However, they seem a bit over my head:-(
This reply was deleted.


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