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October 27

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  • At the moment I still have the site, but it will be removed at the deadline. I always considered it temporary for our project but some of members didn't want to lose contact after the project was over. So we though OK we'll pay to keep it, BUT I'm not giving them any bank info or can't use a credit card. SO I'm up a creek. I will be refunding money to those who donated. IF they would have accepted a visa from a retail store I may have continued. Since I've been on Spruz there are things I like better.

    You might just start one and play with it. Then invite your members to check it out. I'd make sure you could put a music player widget on it though first if its that important. You have to upgrade to get music with Spruz too. I liked it on my personal page but I don't put it on the main page at all. I've been to sites that do that and it distracts me.
  • Jill I created a free site on Spruz. I believe there are ways to add a widget or feature for your music even on the free one. What do you have to loose. Do a test site and see if it works for you. I created a free site because music wasn't that important to me, although nice. It's the billing problems with Ning. It seems that my members are warming up to Spruz and may even like it better.

    Here's my link:

    It may not be your type of subject or site but there is a nice site that just got an award called Natural Hose Network. It's set up very nice.

    Hope that helps.
  • Red Ribbon
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