Currently we are thoroughly watching over the situation in Ukraine and trying to support the brave and unstoppable spirit of Ukrainian nation in fight against Russian invasion by donating to the official resources provided by the Government. NING is standing with Ukraine in this fight for freedom and independence and if you want to show your support you can donate here.
Слава Україні! Героям Слава!

Current status of the Ning Platform is always available on the Ning Status Blog.





Berkeley, CA


November 24

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  • 033-vi.gif
    May your 2011 be filled with promise.
    May your New Year be safe, prosperous.
    May you continue to be showered with God's many blessings.
  • Hi - glad to have you here on Creators!
  • Hey Knaldskalle,

    I deleted your last reply, because all it was, was a link back to an old reply you'd made.

    Ning Product Manager
This reply was deleted.


"MRS" release witness

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