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BIOGRAPHY I am an Author/Writer & Poet. Excerpts of my work & books can be viewed on my Webpages (I have quite a few lol). I write for an online magazine and work as a Psychic Medium for an International company. I have a wicked sense of humour lol so watch out! I also have a very sensitive side part of being a psychic/medium, I need to be sensitive to be able to do this work, its a bit of a double edged sword though, I am an experienced senior Lecturer in Holistic Studies (I have a nursing background) Some of the subjects I am qualified to teach are: anatomy & physiology, massage, Reflexology, Aromatherapy,Indian Head Massage, Crystal therapy & lots of other therapies including Beauty therapy. And I am also an experienced Reiki master My first Book "A DEDICATION TO SOMEONE SO VERY SPECIAL" published February 2008, was followed by "ONE YEAR" published March 2009, both are inspired poetry and explore all aspects of love, from the tentative beginnings to the deep longings and heartbreak when a relationship ends. My latest book is my first novel, "DIARY OF A LOVE AFFAIR", was released July 2009 and is a love story, a relationship online, very common these days with more people using the internet, however it has a spiritual/psychic twist and is the story of the experiences of a Medium falling in love and all the experiences common to psychic mediums. It is a sort of hybrid in that it contains some poetry and the deep meanings behind the verses and explains the depth of unconditional and spiritual love