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San Francisco, CA
March 18
What's your role? Network Creator (NC) or Admin?
Human Rights -Disabled Advocate/Activist Since 1962 - I am a Commission Member of a Cities Disability Council - Board Member of an In Home Services (city/state) Services for Profoundly Disabled Lives; serve on our cities disaster prepared disability committee; our cities Disabled Physical Access Committee, etc.[I'm also disabled, (with over 8 disabilities and a dialysis patient). For 35 years I have offered free self-help support groups [teens to elderly], telephone help line and suicide line; worked 10 years with peoples with multiple sclerosis through the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Northern California; My being on the Ning Network and Ning websites, is to bring out the lives and Abilities of youth to elderly directly with disabilities, as well the disabling issues we have endured directly as victims of trauma, violence, human tragedies. Our goal to create a global day of rememberance and community wide interface with our lives, as well build towards a Civilian Led Disabilities Peace Center here in San Francisco, CA. through our non-profit MHONA.
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