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Beverly Hills, CA


March 28

What's your role? Network Creator (NC) or Admin?

Owner of Career and Recruiting Entrances, a social networking site where job seekers, recruiters, and employment industry professionals can share information. The point is to learn and understand what the other party is seeking and use that information to one's advantage. Share job leads, product information, how to do as it relates to employment.

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  • Yvonne i have been slammed both on and off line. I did not forget you. If you need anythhing right away feel free to reach me on my cell at 702-572-2224

    My shop has been slow so we have been doing allot to promote online for the online business is why I am so slow.

    Sorry I will be back to the forum here by Christmas I am just pressed this week and next to get every duck in a row and get everything smooth so I can step back again and let the mods do their job.
  • Hello Yvonne LaRose

    Well-come to NING CREATORS

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