Current status of the Ning Platform is always available on the Ning Status Blog.






What's your role? Network Creator (NC) or Admin?


Tell us a bit about your network (example: Creators is a community of Ning Network Creators who gather together to collaborate, troubleshoot, and share tips and tricks)

Eco Village Voice is an online publication for people interested in ecovillages. The core values are in-depth networking and sharing of educational material not easily found elsewhere. The problem is that people can feel isolated living in small communities and so sharing knowledge and community contact helps in practical as well as emotional ways. The experience is that of “belonging to a family” especially by connecting with Global Ecovillage Network. The social media platform/network is intended to be a safe and private space - away for the commercial aspects and data-mining that pervades other platforms.

Michael Ney and ⚡JFarrow⌁ are now friends
NC for Hire
Dec 17, 2019
Michael Ney updated their profile
Dec 13, 2019
Michael Ney updated their profile photo
Dec 13, 2019
Michael Ney is now a member of Ning Creators Social Network
Oct 28, 2019


"MRS" release witness

Always around to help :-)

CSS maniac

"Tips and Tricks" guru

Meanwhile, you can check our social media channels