Dear network creators,
You may have noticed occasional maintenance notification issues over the last couple of weeks. If this is the case, we do apologize for the inconvenience.
We’ve been working on the storage performance improvement and optimization of the load balancer, which might have caused occasional glitches, such as persistent maintenance notifications.
We appreciate your patience and understanding. On the bright side, the improvements mentioned above should now have a positive effect on the overall network loading speed.
Terrible issues with the site for the last couple of days. Members report repeatedly getting the challenge screen "Sorry! We're under maintenance". When they do get the sign-in screen, its just text and box, no formatting or images. Once in, pages take forever to load, or give the "Sorry! We're under maintenance" challenge. And I can't copy events, when I try I get the "Sorry, something went wrong".
I logged support ticket #1945875
Thank you for contacting our support team right away! Seems like everything is ok now.
Best regards,
The NING Team
Anastasia the problem exists and is a problem with the code in the signup form from Ning. Please see this post
Well it seems we are back to where we were the other week with the sites constantly waiting for the st2 6 and so on storage plus static, taking so long to load including creators. I hope this get resolved quickly. :-(