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May 19

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Paul Corona replied to Anastasia_Ning_Support's discussion
Migration FAQ
"It might be transferred, but finding it and setting it up in a usable format is virtually about to give up"
Mar 14
Marocatlasgib4x4 Club replied to Anastasia_Ning_Support's discussion
Migration FAQ
"Hi, I am in the process of changing to 3.0 but I am not happy losing over 600 Albums and just keep the photos, don't see the reason of limiting the network to only 100 Albums :( Any chance of keeping to 2.0 in the future?"
Aug 9, 2023
Marocatlasgib4x4 Club replied to Anastasia_Ning_Support's discussion
Step-by-step migration guide
"Want to migrate"
Aug 8, 2023
Celia Balbin replied to Anastasia_Ning_Support's discussion
Migration FAQ
"Hello! I'm migrating to Ning 3.0 from a non-Ning network. How may I transfer all member data to Ning?
Will appreciate your kind help."
Mar 16, 2022
Alex - Rosas † Negras replied to Anastasia_Ning_Support's discussion
Why should I migrate?
"we faced problems in the old classic ning and in 2.0, you will see that everything will ok be for your 3.0 soon,just a little patience"
Feb 23, 2022
Nancy Marsh replied to Anastasia_Ning_Support's discussion
Why should I migrate?
"I don't see how visiting the creators more often will assist with getting the Ning technical team to fix the activity feed in our 6 week old Ning 3.0 network - it's been non-functional for 2 days this time, for 4.5 days just last week.
I had far…"
Feb 22, 2022
Alex - Rosas † Negras replied to Anastasia_Ning_Support's discussion
Why should I migrate?
"come more often in the creators, every day there is an update, when you are the Owner it is up to you to inform you on how to fix things, I have two sites 2.0 and 3.0, for my part 3.0 is superior, inform you about the creators for css and…"
Feb 22, 2022
Steve C replied to Anastasia_Ning_Support's discussion
Why should I migrate?
"Ning’s main servers are in the US but the staff is in Ukraine. They may have a hard time keeping up right now."
Feb 22, 2022
Cindy Dean Mccoy replied to Anastasia_Ning_Support's discussion
Why should I migrate?
"see private message."
Feb 22, 2022
Nancy Marsh replied to Anastasia_Ning_Support's discussion
Why should I migrate?
"I'm fast coming to the same conclusion - we migrated because of all the bugs/no support. I thought we'd waited long enough (ie. for Ning 3.0 to mature). We had about 1.5 months of really great network. Then we started to use it.... May I asked…"
Feb 21, 2022
Cindy Dean Mccoy replied to Anastasia_Ning_Support's discussion
Why should I migrate?
"I was coerced to moved from Ning 2 to Ning 3. Big mistake. The only way I was able to rid myself of so many problems was to leave Ning."
Feb 21, 2022
Nancy Marsh replied to Anastasia_Ning_Support's discussion
Why should I migrate?
"I understand that that Ning 3.0 is being constantly improved. I wonder when you expect it to be stable?
Our Ning 2.0 network was rock solid. Since we've migrated to Ning 3.0, we've had nothing but technical issues. The disappearing activity feed is…"
Feb 21, 2022
Asil replied to Anastasia_Ning_Support's discussion
NING is now available on Zapier
"TO THE DEVELOPERS: I am able to add a single account's blog post to our Discord channel via Zapier.  However, what we would really like to do is to be able to send the public activity feed into Discord.  I don't see a way to make that happen with…"
Sep 2, 2021
Scott Bishop replied to Anastasia_Ning_Support's discussion
View counter feature is live
"Yes it does from the main Photo page but let's say someone wants to show off their surf trip to Barbados using a Photo Category page. They would need to select from the category menu "Barbados" which I would need to have it there for them to select.…"
May 11, 2021
Bizz replied to Anastasia_Ning_Support's discussion
View counter feature is live
"Does not the search box on the photo page itself ( not the one at the top of the site ) find what you need ? I searched for Mission Beach and got these results

May 11, 2021
Scott Bishop replied to Anastasia_Ning_Support's discussion
View counter feature is live
"Oh wow! Thanks for pointing that out. This will be great for some small projects but wouldn't really do sites like mine any good because my members are uploading surf photos from all over the world. Way too many categories, lol. When using the…"
May 11, 2021

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  • Well I just signed up for the 14 day trial to start my ning 3.0 migration
  • NC for Hire
    I've been in this situation for 10 hours. Can help me thanks
    Ning Creators Social Network is a social network
  • NC for Hire
    I've been in this situation for 10 hours. Can help me thanks
    Ning Creators Social Network is a social network
  • Hi Anastasia_Ning_Support,
    Can you please turn on the SSL certificate? I selected Yes on the Domain Mapping page but it didn't work.
    Thank you!
  • I notice that this webina NING API  is a very technical course.
    We are interested if you can specify us exactly what we can do more precisely with the NING API application? Describe exactly the facilities that may be useful to us. If we know more exactly what we could do with NING API then we will be able to make a decision whether or not we are interested in this application.
    For example, we are interested that for the platform (network) that we developed on NING, we have a possibility that it can be downloaded from the PlayStore and can be used on mobile phones, which are much more used than desktop computers. As Facebook goes on the desktop and as an application on mobile phones, so does our platform from NING. May ? Do we have solutions for this?

  • I have 2.0 and would like to know how long I can keep it before I have to go to 3.0. I have a lot of stuff I want to get straight and archive if I have to switch. Plus I have 2 or 3 members that have deceased but other members like to keep their memory going, will their pages migrate or be deleted?

  • Anistasia - - our site has been down for 5 or 6 days now, I don't know why or how to set a Ning Support help ticket without being able to sign-into the page.  Your assitance is appreciated.


    THANKS - Kevin

  • Estimada Anastacia,

    Buen día. ¿Porqué se han reducido en su tamaño las imágenes de algunas redes NING?

  • Hi Ceddy J! To be honest I am not sure, we have just started working on some major update, and it will take some time to finish it. Until then, there may not be any significant functionality changes, only minor improvements, bug fixes and so on. 

  • Will yall be making any announcements soon? We haven't heard anything in a while.

This reply was deleted.


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