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Migration FAQ


Will all my content be transferred during the migration?

Yes, we transfer all member data (including default profile question responses, friends, messages, blocked IP addresses, and email addresses) and all the content (like blogs, events, forum discussions, pages, photos, videos, etc.)


What is NING 3.0 pricing?

You can check out the pricing here.


Will I pay for both 2.0 and 3.0?

If you decide to keep your 2.0 network as a backup, you will need to pay for both. If you terminate your NING 2.0 subscription, you will only pay for your updated 3.0 network according to the pricing plan.


Which subscription plan should I choose?

When choosing a subscription package, you need to keep two things in mind: the number of network members and the storage capacity. Based on these two parameters, define which plan suits you best. Check out the pricing here.


Can I transfer the design and layout of my network?

No, the design and layout are not transferred, as well as your custom CSS elements. You will need to customize your website by using Ning 3.0 Design Studio.


Why migrate anyway? What benefits do I get?

There are numerous advantages of migrating to NING 3.0, to name a few:

  • Advanced eCommerce functionality that allows you to monetize content and network membership. Use it to accept donations, review transactions analytics, issue refunds, give access permissions, and much more.
  • A redesigned Blog feature.
  • Greater flexibility for configuring your pages and layouts, including the ability to create multiple feature instances.
  • Granular control over privacy, content contributors, and moderation for each page and feature instance.
  • More straightforward and powerful Design Studio.
  • An updated logical 960 pixel 16 column HTML grid for expert designers. 
  • A more contemporary, cleaner look to all features
  • Responsive design that allows your content and navigation elements to automatically adjust to smartphone and tablet screens.
  • A new, simpler way to integrate a YouTube or Vimeo channel.
  • GDPR compliance.


Is NING 3.0 different from the 2.0 platform? Are the features the same?

NING 3.0 has all the features of the older platform and even more, except for Gifts, Leaderboards, and Photo Albums. For more information and the 2.0 vs. 3.0 comparison, please check this guide.


How long does the migration process take?

The process usually takes from 4 hours to 2 days, depending on the size and complexity of your network, the number of feature instances (like blogs, forums, photos), and the number of members.


What will happen to my old 2.0 community?

Once the migration is complete, you will need to decide whether to leave your old network as a backup or cancel the subscription. If you keep it, you will continue paying the subscription fee. If you cancel it, you will still have access to your old network until your current paid subscription period expires. After that, the network will be automatically terminated, and you will no longer pay the subscription fee. You can also request to close your 2.0 network right after the migration is complete.


How do I keep my current domain name for my new 3.0 network?

Once the migration is complete, and after your final confirmation, your new network will get the domain name of your current 2.0 community, e.g.,


How do I link my custom domain to the new network?

If you already use a custom domain name with your 2.0 network, changing the name of the new community to the one you already used will correctly point to your custom domain. Thus, you will not need to do anything in this case. If you want to use a 3.0 network with the new domain and link it to a custom domain name, you can do it in the Domain Mapping section of your user dashboard. Follow this guide for more info.

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  • It might be transferred, but finding it and setting it up in a usable format is virtually about to give up
  • Hi, I am in the process of changing to 3.0 but I am not happy losing over 600 Albums and just keep the photos, don't see the reason of limiting the network to only 100 Albums :( Any chance of keeping to 2.0 in the future?
  • Hello! I'm migrating to Ning 3.0 from a non-Ning network. How may I transfer all member data to Ning?
    Will appreciate your kind help.
  • In the migration from 2.0 to 3.0 all the members of my network are migrated
    • Hi Henry,

      Yes, sure. During the migration, all the members will be transferred to a Ning 3.0 website.
      Nevertheless, the Ning 2.0 website remains active, so we literarily make a duplicate of the original website. Once you're ready, it would be possible to swap subdomains and domains.

      Kind regards,
      The Ning Team
  • In the case that I just paid a full year for my network 2.0 and assuming that in 2 months we are able to migrate to 3.0, disabling the network 2.0 at that time, will you only charge me the 2 months difference from the annual payment made? Thanks.
  • Hi. Does 3.0 have events?
    • Hello!

      Yes, 3.0 platform has Events feature. Are you interested in some specific functionality?

      Best regards,
      The NING Team
  • Please let me know my network storage use for my current 2.0 network? Thank you
  • Hello, could you please let me know what my current storage use is for my current 2.0 network as we consider the switch to 3.0? Thank you
This reply was deleted.

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