Current status of the Ning Platform is always available on the Ning Status Blog.

Detail Pages for Status Updates

Since our initial revamp of the Activity Feed, we've been steadily improving it and adding more based on Network Creator requests. One of the biggest requests has revolved around status updates. For a long time, when someone would post a status update directly in the Activity Feed, it would exist only as long as it remained in the Activity Feed. Once it dropped out of the bottom of the feed, it was nowhere to be found. The reason: the status update had nowhere to "live" — it existed as a temporary item with no place to call home in our system.

This is no longer the case! We're happy to report that each status update now has its own individual page.

Notice in this screenshot that this page has its own dedicated URL. This is where this particular status update lives — along with all of the replies that have since followed the status update.

What's visually different with this release?

Now that status updates have been beefed up, you'll notice a link in the Activity Feed whenever you see a Status Update. 

This link will lead to an individual status update page. On that page, you can edit or delete a status post. You can also edit or delete comments on a status post.

As you might expect, commenting on a status post will be reflected in the second location. Comment on someone's status update, and your comment will also show up in the Activity Feed. Comment on someone's status update in the Activity Feed, and your comment will also show up on the individual status update page.

Most important of all… email notifications

You will undoubtedly be very happy to hear what may be the most important detail of this update: Now, when someone comments on a status post, the system will send an email notification. This setting can be controlled via the "Items I add" choices in each member's Settings. This works in a similar manner as it does with Photos or Videos, for example. Once you comment on a status post, you will be following it. As always, each member controls this via their Settings page.

We know that many of you see this last detail as an important driver of activity on your network. Why not start the status update bonanza now and break in this new feature of the Activity Feed. It's now live on all networks.

You need to be a member of Ning Creators Social Network to add comments!

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  • oi
  • Are there any plans to create a page where you can just see your status activity and can click a link to see the page with comments - IE ?

  • I completely forgot about this! Ugh! I'm on it now.

  • Dear Alex,

    Good job....

    Thanks with Love & Blessings,

    Dr. Sohini Shukla.

  • Three weeks later only English language networks have the word "status" hyperlinked to the detail page. Then I try to make changes on the language editor.

    I do not know if this is correct. For example, this does not appear: "User1 commented on User2's status". In other words, there is not a link with all the status of a particular user, I think.

    I've done something wrong? Easier if Ning enable this function to all networks...

    PD: Sorry for my bad English :)

    • This reply was deleted.
      • Now it is good :)

        Thanks Eric

    • a si me quedo cuando yo lo traduje en el editor de idioma, busque la palabra "status" y traduje las palabras y deje los comando como lo mire en ingles y ya me funciona a mi.




      Estos son los parámetros que yo use para la poder usar ya esta mejora.


  • hello everyone, well I've done for me and the link appears the state wasworking on the language editor, and worked only in English and in Spanish Iwanted, what I did was leave codes and translated what was in English into Spanish.
    (google translator)




  • Where do I find this area?*Fo7wRLGGt0HhDSLmuhFBo/20120412gyyegix6m7ij2794wyk8d9qx1e.jpeg

    • link didnt work but click the word "status"  if yiou changed it in language editor, reveryt it then change it back but including the extra code that converts it to a link

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