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Palo Alto, CA


March 7

What's your role? Network Creator (NC) or Admin?

I've been with Ning for over 5 years now (YEAH!) and am currently a Product Manager

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  • Hi Alex

    My social network, is disabled. There I noticed that Ning had sent me an email and I could read after the deadline to comply with the provisions in the mail.

    My social network is focused on friendship, but there are always users who make mischief and evade our rules, whenever we detect remove content which violates the terms of service Ning.

    Ning answering email asked me to revive the social network and so I did. But do not get response Ning since last Friday.

    I agree to remove content that violates the rules and be more active in the social network management.

    I would also like to have the ability to punish users per day and / or give a warning message so they know what is prohibited on the social network.

    I hope to revive my social network in order to remove the content and terms of service focus with active users.


  • just testing...
  • LOL!
  • Christmas Lights
  • So, did you ever cook anything from :-)
  • Awesome goal. Please let me know if/when you do. Try the goat cheese & avocado sandwiches. You don't even have to fire up the stove! Unless you hate avocados or cream cheese, you won't be disappointed.
  • y'all need to update your pic!
  • Cheers!
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