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Polls are already available

Greetings to all!

Some of you have been waiting for this feature for a long time and we are glad to inform you that since today the polls feature has been released and functioning on 3.0 networks. With its help, it would become much easier for you to collect thoughts and desires of your users, in right hands such information could become a gamechanger. But who am I to tell you how the few simple questions could change the whole understanding of your members' needs ;-)
As usual, you can visit our help center to find more information regarding polls functionality, just click here.

Best regards,
Ning Team.

P.S. By the way, we have another surprise for you coming soon ;-)

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  • 14358770?profile=RESIZE_930xI was wondering if I could have code that would center the poll on my question page. Thank you so much.

    • Set up the page with a 3-column layout and place it in the center column.  Since the sides are empty, it will appear perfectly centered.


      • This was an OKay approach but I think i need more of a css on this one.

        • Can I have the URL to this page?  It must be public for a short time for me to view it and play with codes.


  • Can i have a response to this poll issue of wrapping.



    Can you fix this issue where it wraps letters instead of words? Doing it like this makes things harder to read. Also as a note it would be good if pressing the Box lead us to the poll since the box is so big people will click it thinking that it works.

    • Hi there!

      Sorry, haven't noticed your message regarding the polls. as the temporary solution, you can use this code

      .polls__title { word-break: normal;} 

      to fix the issue with the words wrapping. The code should be placed in the custom CSS section in the design studio.

      Regarding the box, I'll create the suggestion to add the link to it and make it clickable, when the management would provide any resolution regarding this question I'll let you know.

      Best wishes,

      Ning Team.

      • thank you


  • 14193338?profile=RESIZE_320x320

    Can you fix this issue where it wraps letters instead of words? Doing it like this makes things harder to read. Also as a note it would be good if pressing the Box lead us to the poll since the box is so big people will click it thinking that it works.

  • i noticed today that polls can finally be put into the front page and side modules. Thank you so much as now I fell they can be used as an item throughout the site.

    As a last element it would be nice to implement a picture for each poll. That would make things perfect as it does not fit our networks to have a Block that just says Poll.

    ( this is just a hopeful mention I am thankful for just having it on another page other than a poll page.)

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