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January 1
What's your role? Network Creator (NC) or Admin?
Owner of for pagans and wiccans and all paths
You need to be a member of Ning Creators Social Network to add comments!
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Thank you for a wonderful site.
Because of you I am now a member of many sites
and an owner of one
Thank you for the info on that thread. All this cr*p with Ning is getting outrageous and many are offended at what is happening after going through great lengths to pay. I've passed the link on as well.
Much love to you sister.
how we can provide a person for moderate only chat?That is we can give power to mange only chat not all mebmers control
Thank you for the friendship.. great pictures.. I look forward to working with you..If there is anything I can do for you.. just ask...
Yours in Success,
Diana Kerekes

May you never know hunger, nor ever have thirstMay you always see the good side and never the worst.
I wish Blessings for you and those you hold dear
May they rain down upon you throughout the new year.
Love Always,