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July 12
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Fresh Beginnings is a forum that focuses on whole personal healing, dynamic healthy living and transformational change from the inside out and is open to anyone who is interested in sharing ideas about healthy, abundant and dynamic living and spiritual development. In our view we are all students and teachers to each other in this One-Song called life. Fresh Beginning's members walk different spiritual paths and we respect divergent beliefs systems. We encourage members to discuss ideas through respectful dialog whether they agree or not. Whenever you discover new pathways to health, wholeness, prosperity, love and light we'd appreciate hearing about it. We believe that an attitude of co-operation, consensus contributes to the greatest good of the all and that with enough love we will be able to resolve all our human rights and global concerns. Hopefully with increasing numbers working towards that end...anyone who wants to will be able to discover what they need to create a Fresh Beginnings at any stage of life. Warm regards from the site creators Coralie/Raia and David, our administrators, Victor, Marie, Wilow, Tamara, Autumn, Katherinine, Sheila, Michael, Fifty...and all our members. We have been told that Fresh Beginnings has a family feel and you are most welcome to join us.
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