Current status of the Ning Platform is always available on the Ning Status Blog.





Nelson, BC


May 30

What's your role? Network Creator (NC) or Admin?

Djemini Network Creator and CEO of Djemini Studios

Tell us a bit about your network (example: Creators is a community of Ning Network Creators who gather together to collaborate, troubleshoot, and share tips and tricks)


The Djemini Network is an effort to provide a social networking alternative to my local community, and to house the number of projects, artists and small businesses we aim to promote. Many years ago, when Facebook was just coming out of the collages and universities, I fought tooth and nail to establish NING as the idea direction for social networking in the world, and worked with network creator, Randy McCalum on a NING based network entitled "Greater Trail"

I consider major social media websites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the like to be the "big box store" version of social technology that was created to level the playing field between massive monoplies, and smaller, family owned businesses and artists. I can only imagine how much different the world might have gone if NING and other de-centralized social networking site had been given the chance to provide social technologies to the world. And obviously, I've not given up on the dream, and likely never will.

To see the network I've been working on over the last 5 years or so, please visit it here, and feel free to check out the customization I've built into it, including a custom launcher included on most community pages, a custom splash page for greeting new visitors, and using basic HTML to add additional functionality for the less experienced internet users -> Visit the Djemini Network to learn more

Djemini Studios was founded in 2015 when I was on the edge of homelessness, staying in the basement studio space of a local business in Nelson, BC, Canada. It began when I wanted to create an umbrella production label for my growing interest in independent film making. Film making took all of the creative skills I had gathered so far in life, and put them into one place for me to combine them, and offer opportunities to other local artists to feature their work in my film projects. My first film was an unofficial Star Wars Fan Film series entitled "The Djedi Academy" that aimed to help those struggling with addictions and poverty to gain a creative focus to be excited about, and dedicate their time to. You can watch the Djedi Academy and our other film project on my YouTube channel by following the link posted here ->

If you wish to help in the development and expansion of the Djemini Network and our productions, please visit my crowd funding page on ->

⚡JFarrow⌁ replied to Andrew Harvey's discussion
An Ode to NING - The De-centralized Solution
"Nice work!"
Aug 22, 2023
Andrew Harvey posted a discussion
Leveling the Economic Playing Field with NING Networks By Andrew Harvey, Creator of the Djemini Network Hey everyone! I've been a member of the NING Creators Network since 2019, although I've been working with NING technology since as early as 2004,…
Aug 20, 2023
Andrew Harvey is now a member of Ning Creators Social Network
Jul 17, 2019


"MRS" release witness

Always around to help :-)

CSS maniac

"Tips and Tricks" guru


Meanwhile, you can check our social media channels