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August 13

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  • 3238739?profile=original

  • 3237809?profile=original

  • I feel like giving a gift, because I care today and every day I am there to you and to all, I am happy knowing you are a good friend to have and for me it is good to be loved. You matter :)
  • Thank you for still being my friend here and for being a great person to have around, I appreciate and welcome you for all you are and so much more. Happy latest holiday, I'll keep you in my thoughts.
  • Happy thanks giving to you my friend. I hope all is well. I am thinking of you. Blessings, Elshara.
  • 3223225?profile=original

    Enjoying your Hallow's Eve, I hope.

    Loving "Bites" VvvV

  • Red Ribbon




    Believe in your heart that something  wonderful is about to happen.  Love your life.  Believe in your own power,  and in your own potential,  and your own innate goodness.


    Wake every morning with the awe  of just being alive.  Discover each day the magnificent,  awesome beauty in the world.  Explore and embrace life  in yourself and in everyone  you see each day.


    Reach within to find your own specialness.  Amaze yourself and rouse those  around you to the potential  of each new day.


    Don't be afraid to admit  you're less than perfect;  this is the essence of our humanity.


    Let those who love you help you;  Trust enough to be able to take.  Look with hope to the horizon of today,  for today is all we truly have.


    Live this day well.  Let a little sun out as well as in.  Create your own rainbows.  Be open to all your possibilities,  and all miracles.  Always believe in miracles.


    Love Always

    Shaz. xx

  • 3218313?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    I'm wishing you. Bright and sunny days, His light to surround you Helping you to find your way.

    I'm wishing you. Comfort for the nights, Peaceful dreams so sweet God's angels holding you tight.

    I'm wishing you. Smiles for all the tears, Love that goes on forever Happiness through the years.

    I'm wishing you. This and so much more, My wishes are only prayers That strengthens wings to soar...

    Written & Submitted By: © Jeffrey Paul Guest

    Love Each Day,



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