Burbank, CA
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Burbank, CA
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Responding inbox, Sylvia.
Thanks for sharing that video. Haha! There's a few similar on Youtube.
Tell Britt I said congrats please! I'm very happy for her. Let me know if you're available this week to chat.
We've got some catching up to do.
Hey there Miss Sylvia! Thanks. I agree. I do wish they could/would find a way to keep Ning 2.0 for those who don't want the change. But, with that, there would be no updates or support. And, with the social networking World changing-evolving at warp speed, it would probably take less than 2 years for 2.0 to become completely outdated for the next hot social media sharing. It would at least be a little saving grace if Ning would promise a minimum of 2 years before having to move.
Best of luck with yours, keep me posted!
Please help me with my header and the fantastic slider you shared with us. I just love your site
Thank you for your kind comments, really appreciate it! Guess what?! Diane is in complete remission! WHOOP WHOOP! Thank you God!
Best to you as always!
Hello Sylvia,
Thanks for your reply. After doing a search this morning i realize it was wow slider.
It's not easy as you said... I know a lil bit i am the only one working on my network.
Sometimes i feel like i would just pay someone..I think my site is missing a slideshow though. What you think?
Much thanks