Current status of the Ning Platform is always available on the Ning Status Blog.



March 20

Anastasia_Ning_Support replied to Tim Greyhavens's discussion
Is anyone else having problems with their site?
"Hello Alexander!
Thank you for sharing your experience with me! Actually, we do have a quality assurance department, and I have already asked the manager to evaluate all communication Elizabeth had with you. We will work on making things better and…"
Jan 28, 2019
Alexander Wilon replied to Tim Greyhavens's discussion
Is anyone else having problems with their site?
"Hi Anastasia,
I appreciate your reply.
The paper trail goes back to several weeks. 
Initially I dealt with Ann who was truly marvellous and tried everything she could to help. 
Unfortunately the appearance editor was broken and she could not…"
Jan 25, 2019
Anastasia_Ning_Support replied to Tim Greyhavens's discussion
Is anyone else having problems with their site?
"Hello Alexander!
First of all, let me express my deepest apologies for the bad experience you recently had with the Support Team! 
This website was created as a platform for all our creators, where everyone can ask for help, share their feedback,…"
Jan 25, 2019
Alexander Wilon replied to Tim Greyhavens's discussion
Is anyone else having problems with their site?
"I have looked for a link where to file a complaint about poor support.
For the past four weeks I tried getting assistance in changing a side image on my network.   Normally I would do this myself but the editor tool in my Ning 2 has been broken for…"
Jan 25, 2019


"MRS" release witness

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"Tips and Tricks" guru

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